Both parents of this family of 8 children died of aids just a few years ago. The children had a granny and a few other relatives nearby, but so many had HIV/AIDS, and all were so desperately poor, that no one would (or could) take them in. They moved as squatters into a shack with no door.
Here's another common part of the story: a man moved in with them, saying he would protect them. These were all children, none older than 14. He did not protect them, of course. He raped one of the girls, leaving her pregnant.
When the Mawelas found them, they were barely surviving. This family, though, had one thing going for it: the parents had government ID's. Mrs. Mawela went with them to the government office, and helped them qualify for a small house and a tiny food stipend.
Today they live in this tiny two room house. Several of the siblings have left (I didn't ask…) but with two extra children, there are seven in the house. Without Nhlengelo, this picture could be much, much worse.

I talked with Farence, the young man in the picture, and his sister Joyce (the one who was raped) at their house. They are lovely young people, struggling every day just to find food. Farence is in the tenth grade, and is the head of the home. He is thoughtful and polite—the kind of young person every parent would love his or her child to grow up to be. He studies hard, hoping he will someday qualify to go to college.
I hope he succeeds.
Loren, it has been both inspirational and very interesting following your trip with Hope for Humanity there in South Africa. Nice to know where our pastor is when he's so far away. I sponsor a 5 year old girl in Kenya. The need is so great there and only one child seems so little but it makes a big difference in her life. Tell us how we can do more.
Carole McIntyre
Hey Loren,
WOW what a trip you are having. Take care and have a safe trip home.
Kevin Sciulli
I'm Farence Mawela. As mention in the story. I think its about time the above to be reviewed. Email me @ tfmawela@yahoo.com
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