Thursday, September 13, 2007

Kruger National Park

Tomorrow we're going into the game park, to see the animals. Lions, elephants, buffalo, leopards, ostriches, hyenas, giraffes, impalas, zebras, wildebeast--all the African animals.

I'm still not sure whether I'll have any internet access for the next couple of days.

On Sunday, we go to an Adventist hospital in the nation of Lesotho, a landlocked country entirely within the Republic of South Africa. It has an official AIDS rate of 34% of the population, though public health officials estimate it at over 40%. It is hard to imagine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Pastor Loren!
Reading your day by day experiences is so touching. We can certainly learn so much from these wonderful,amazing people. Best wishes through the rest of your trip and have a safe flight home.

The Sumicads